Sold Selling WTS assassin kahrun elyos level 70 !

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gweilpo, 4/17/17.

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  1. Gweilpo

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    Hallo everyone,

    Since i want to move to eu server, i am willing to sell this account. Assassin level 70 elyos kahrun server.. She has resple gears all +15 socketed att/m.acc,acc and resple dagger and sword +16 +15 socketed with att/crit and att/m.acc..
    For pve she has ac mythic gears and ac mythic weapons dagger sword +10. Also gold plume +5 att/crit, kaisniel bracelet +4, mounts aion chosen etc.

    If u interest just send me email to [email protected] or skype : fv_reza, and we can talk about the price etc..

    Just for info kahrun will be merged with tiamat and israphel so it will be more fun there to play :D
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