Sold Selling Wts army 5* spirit master pvp/pve geared

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danyghost, 7/11/17.

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  1. Danyghost

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    7 characters on account SIEL ELYOS

    Army 5* Spirit Master LVL 74 : full 75 Abys PVP GEAR +15 , Weapon +15 Sophistacate Spelbook +15 combinated whit 75 abys , all 75 acc +4-+5 , Abys Wing 75 +15 , +7 pure plume MB/MA , +7 Braclet . abys points 40 milion , Estate . 70 PVE GEARED +10 and orb +15 lvl 74

    LVL 67 Aethertech, Gunner, Ranger

    LVL 30 + Templar, Assasin, Sorcerer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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