Sold Selling Wts aion eu deyla asmo kinah+all servers powerlvling

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by achyftw, 9/6/17.

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  1. achyftw

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    Hello again


    So I'm still selling AION EU-DEYLA ASMO KINAH, up to 10 billions available at this moment
    Add me on skype at the end of the post for dealing.


    I'm still doing power leveling as well for any Asmo class in any EU server, so here are the latest offers:

    -All power leveled characters keep everything during the power leveling session (kinah+items+misc..etc)

    The following prices are for those classes (Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Bard, Gunner, Cleric).
    For the other classes (Gladiator, Templar, Aethertech, Chanter, Assassin, Ranger) the price increases by 15 euro for lvl 1~66 and by 10 euro for lvl 66~70

    1-lvl 1~66 (3~5days, 50 euro)
    2-lvl 1~70 (10~12days 110 euro)
    3-lvl 65~70 (70 euro)
    4-for other requests and/or power leveling higher than lvl 70 add me on skype at the end of the post to negotiate and reach the best deal.

    You can also request extra kinah+items+ any other in-game needs for considerably cheap prices.

    I'm a veteran accounts seller and buyer for a long time as well but I'm not selling any of my current accounts at this moment but you can check on me from time to time for selling/ buying or even for helping in trafficking your account/ kinah.

    Payments methods at this moment are : Paypal and Western Union.

    Add me on SKYPE anytime and feel free to ask for any further details or even any other general info or in-game advice.
    SKYPE NAME: achyftw
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