Selling WTS Account thats been active since prelaunch. 7 80 toons over 5000k gold

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IKnowTHE, 9/19/16.

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  1. IKnowTHE

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    After many years i've decided to move on due to time commitments to this lovely game. I have many toons 7 of which are level 80 (with many off levels that can be used at any time). I have I believe 10-12 Ibis weapons across all the toons. 6 of them are a mix of blues, T1-3 gear while my main has full T4, T3.5, T3, T2, T1 and many vanity sets. Plus my main has 3 crafted T3 weapons and over 5000k gold in inventory. All toons are located on Crom

    Serious offers only. Seeking $400 or best offer. PM me for interest and there i'll will discuss details

    Thanks for your interest,
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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