Selling Selling Wts account mr rank 22-[good warframes] - [has warframes primes] only for 70$

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by santomarco25, 10/2/17.

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  1. santomarco25

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    Warframe Account For Sale

    the price of the account is 70 $

    Account Information:


    Ash p - Ember p - Nova p - Frost p - Trinity p - Nekros p - Volt p - Nyx prime - Valkir p - Banshe p - Sarym p- Oberon p---frost p---Rhino p


    Hydroid, Limbo, Valkir, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Oberon, Saryn, Ember , Loki ,Excalibur, Frost , Mag , Nova, Nyx , Volt, Rhino , Chroma , Rhino, Trinity , , Vauban , Zhephir, Atlas, Banshee, Equinox ,Ivara, Titania, octavia, Harrow
    -Event weapons and prisma:

    Latron wraith - Quanta Vandal - Snipetron Vandal - Prisma Dual Cleavers - Prisma Skana - wraith twin vipers.- wraith Machete - Furax wraith - Vulkar wraith - Prisma Gorgon - wraith Gorgon - Dex Sicarus - Dex Furis – Dex Draka
    -ssiental mods:
    Maxed serration-- barrerl diffusion,--berserker--blaze,--- blind rage,--Maxed buzz kill-- heavy caliber --- and more

    All mods status
    Almost all archiwng

    -With this account you can make difficult missions:
    The Law of Retribution ( WARFRAMES Y BUID Ready for this )
    The Law of Retribution nightmare
    All sortie missions ( Daily )
    The Jordas Verdict
    -Conclave full rank:
    Syandana conclave , Riv Elite Guard Arm.

    Syandana Soltice Vanquished ,
    skin soltice Scindo
    Emblem Soltice

    Chroma Dynasty Collection

    -Harkonar Wraith Armor full SET + Syandana

    Naramon (maxed), Zenurik

    Almost all helmets
    3 color packs
    4 syandanas
    Riv Elite Guards
    SYNDICATES Perrin--- New loka ---Red veil— full reputation ALL SYNDICATES WEAPONS: . Marelok vaykor—Hek vaykoR—Vaykor Sydon, Boltor telos --- akbolto telos---Boltage telos, Tigris sancti – castanas sancti ---Magistrl sancti, Simulor synoid- cetras dual secura---Lecta Secura -- Cernos rakta-- Ballistica rakta –Rakta Dark Dagger

    Syandana syndicates (Perrin--- New loka ---Red veil)

    Add me for more Information And send You screeanshot

    [email protected]

    Skype: santamarc27

    Only for 70$

    Add me
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