Sold Selling WTS Above Average FFXIV Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by A A, 3/6/17.

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  1. A A

    A A
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    Reason for selling:-
    It's a side account and I'm a med. major, so ain't no body got time for 1+ accounts (> w <")

    Account description:-
    - ARR + HW Support for PC + PS4 (EU Account, but that doesn't matter if you play on PC)
    - ARR + HW Collectors Edition
    - Veteran Reward Rank 12
    - Up to date on all Main Quests + Side Quests
    - All Classes at 60, including DoH + DoL
    - All Beast Tribes 8/8 (Except for Moggles they're at 7/8)
    - A9S - A11S Cleared, A12S ready (Working on A12S, will have it down within the week)
    - ilvl260 BRD Anima
    - 7000+ Achievements
    - 1700+ Commendations
    - A crap ton of Glams
    - Around 40+ Mounts, and 120ish Minions
    - For Additional info. just ask

    Sorry it isn't too specific, but the subscription is outty~ BUY OUT is:- 550$


    - - - Updated - - -

    P.S Don't be afraid to Offer~ if no one buys out it'll go to Highest Offer :3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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