Diablo contains 4 nonseasonal characters (Crusader, Monk, Demon Hunter and Barbarian) Paragon 1671. Demon Hunter is geared in Multishot build and ready to clear 70+ rift solo, other chars geared as supports. In stash many resources, infernal machines, gems 80+ and much more. Kanai's Cube almost full. Screenshots: HERE Also, battle.net account contains Hearthstone game with 7 golden champions (Warrior and Warlock are not golden), 19000 gold, 16 cardbacks, 330 dust, 4 legendary cards (C'Thun, Leeroy Jenkins, The Beast, Onyxia) and good collection of other cards. Added golden portrait Lady Liadrin. Plus 31 unopened card packs. Screenshots: HERE Available free battletag name change. Price 150$ If you are interested, PM me or contact me on Skype: znejd