Sold [Selling] Wts 6300+ gs darkrunner na godfrey | cheap price

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fastgood, 4/23/21.

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  1. fastgood

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    Hey. WTS my main account 6300+ GS on NA Unchained(server: Godfrey) with original email.

    Account info:

    Current lvl: 19+ ancestral
    - Battlerage[55], Auramancy[55], Shadowplay[55], Defense[55], Occultism[55], Songcraft[55]
    - Diligence Coins 180+
    - Bound Labor Recharger x11+
    - Completed Sunflower archpass without premium. Thats means you can buy premium ticket and grab all premium rewards if you want(i guess till 29.04.2021)
    - Now progressing Hero pass

    - Default costume from library
    - Rousing Rabbit Pajama full set(+550 extra labour with Wicker Bed everyday)
    - House 16x16 in Auroria with Wicker Bed
    - 16x16 farm in Auroria
    - Fish-Find Longliner with Andelph Fishing Boat Propellant(Epic quality). Also have Expert's Sturdy Fishing Rod
    - Harpoon clipper(stock)
    - Default farm cart

    6300+ gearscore
    - 7/7 T1 Full Celestial Hiram set
    - T4 2H Longspear(Epic) +15 fully gemed
    - Divine guild cloak

    - 650+ Improved Infusion Supply kit(You can choice infusions or abyssal enchancer)
    - 350+ Mysterious Hiram Infusion
    - Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll 200+
    - Radiant Hiram Awakening Scroll 450+
    - Hiram Awakening Scroll 350+
    - Some Solar Tempers
    - And other stuff from daily rewards(whalesong, aegis etc.)


    Fishing: 40000+ [28000main + 10000 dawnsdrop boot+ 2000 statue buff]
    Larceny: 37000
    Alchemy: 24000
    Logging: 8400

    gear: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Price: 80$
    I accept offers

    payment method: PayPal
    ready for middleman services if you want buy it.

    Contact with me:
    DM me on playerup
    skype: howsirok
    Discord: Kekovich#9117

    You free to ask for more info if you need it in pm.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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