Selling [Selling] WTS 630 GS Guardian / 632 GS Lahn

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by drankk, 6/17/22.

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  1. drankk

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    WTS my NA BDO Account with the following:

    *279/281/352 Lahn LVL 62 with the following gear:
    -PEN griffs, PEN dim tree, PEN urugons, PEN bhegs, TET distortion, TET capotia earring, TET basilisk, TET blackstar awakening / main, PEN kutum, PEN capotia neck, 2x TET crescent guardians vells heart
    -2555 Skill Points

    *281/283/348 Guardian LVL 62 with the following gear:
    -PEN griffs, PEN dim tree, TET distortion, TET tungrad earring, PEN urugons, TET basilisk, TET blackstar awakening / main, PEN kutum, PEN capotia neck, 2x TET crescent guardians, vells heart
    -1799 Skill Points

    *Pet List:
    -Total of 8 T4 pets
    -Rest of pets T1-T3

    *More Features:
    -Around 7billion silver
    -Max level fairy
    -Dine dream horse
    -4446 Family Fame
    -2858 completed quests
    -Eternal Winter Edition
    -Other characters (some light geared, some naked) total of 15 characters used

    And more!

    Looking for around $750 for the account, #. Discord is mmmmyyyyyyy#1759
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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