Hi guys: With really no time to play I am selling a wonderful account that can get you right back into the game. Perfect account to prepare for Stormblood. Acct: Has 60 DRG,NIN,MCH, and DRK. all other Dow/Dom are 50. 60 for all Doh and Dol classes as well if you need to jump into crafting. PC only acct, its sync'd w/a psn already. Here are some quick pics: http://imgur.com/a/0QMT0 Asking price $325 thru paypal only. A few incentives for paying 1st. either a free server xfer or i can add a fantasia for you. Msg me offer or questions you have, there is also some wiggle room w/price so feel free to send me your offers for a quick transaction. Will use a middleman if added security is needed. Thank you.