Sold [Selling] WTS 23 apex + 20 superior red regrade charm + 145 worker's compensation + Account

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by johan701, 1/31/18.

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  1. johan701

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    I guess you can just get all the APEX, golds, regrade charms and stuff and trade them to your main account, if you don't need the characters.

    Or, if you sell all the stuff and buy apex, you can activate them all on your account even if you play in a different server.

    This is the stuff i have on Retribution server (EU):
    Lvl50 Cultist
    98000 gathering
    30000something Alchemy
    +3 other lvl15 chars that should have unlocked big farms at some point(not sure anymore, tbh)
    A bunch of various other stuff.

    This is the stuff i have on Tempest server (EU):
    Lvl45 Demonologist

    The value of all the stuff combined should be around 60000 golds

    Skype : Davidegzz86

    make me a decent offer, and the whole account with all the stuff is yours.
    - I can consider trading all the items to you keeping the account if you help me through the process
    - I can even consider selling only the stuff i have in one of the two servers, or even only a portion
    - Feel free to add me and ask any question

    I don't want a lot of money but i want a safe trade, so trusted people only, i have made hundreds of mmo trades in the past, i won't fall for cheap scams, i will check ID and ask proofs.
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