Sold Selling WTS 105 Cardinal w/POW (dual)/ 101 GS (main)

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NurseJ, 9/5/17.

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  1. NurseJ

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    There is a lv.95 evis on account able to craft high grade love potions also.

    - all skills that matter on cardinal +10 or higher
    - finished regular exalted and finished 1st part of new exalted
    - +15 con -6 str tattoos on cardi, +15 dex on GS


    - +4con bracelet, lv.10 kingdom royal guard talisman (atelia), stg.11 venir, desire talisman
    - over 150 dandy scrolls
    - +7 phys. reflect shirt
    - unopened 100% exp/sp/drop rune 30days
    - 21 talisman boxes (attribute defense - 2h)
    - Men+M.def hat
    - brooch jewels lv.3 (ruby, saph., topaz, dia., obsi., garnet, emerald)
    - some vitality maintaining pots 1h & 12 b-day pots 1h

    Payment method: paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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