Sold Selling WTS---> 101 Yul average geared

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by meowtastic, 11/19/16.

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  1. meowtastic

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    Yul ghost sentinel 101lvl (human male)
    dual sub othell windrider 94lvl

    Talisman Hellfire
    Hunter talisman
    Venir 7lvl

    R95 bless set +99888 light 3x120
    PVE bow +8 2xsa +300
    Skull edge +10 +300 +sa
    chef monkey's belt
    soul tezza, soul aq, tauti ring, pvp stun earring, bless zaken

    augumented weapon reflect 3lvl
    augumented weapon pvp attack

    +7 shiny shirt

    +5 str -1 dex fire res +20

    str +5
    str+5 cha+4

    dual subb all with dyes for str as well

    jewels: 4lvl ruby, 4lvl opal, 4lvl diamond, 4lvl obsidian.
    chaos essence for main char

    exalted quest to finish need only sieges, all q done

    +1 b adena and conquerror talisman abudance
    exp bootle 50h 2598/3000 mana left

    turtle ascetic pet
    + pa 15 days ( decreasing every day while its not sold)

    skills: hawk eye +10 counter, counter instinct +10 time, tornado shot +10 break, quick shot +10 break, pinpoint shoot +10 break, impact shoot +10 chance, multiple arrow +10 break, heavy arrow rain +10 break, quick evasion +5 distance, phoenix arrow +10 break, dead eye stance +10 shield, rapid fire stance +10 shield, Final ulitmate escape +10 time, quick fire +10 time.

    Selling only all together
    Payment only Paypal
    If you need Midleman- you paying for him, othervise- Money first with option as gift.

    Contact: here or skype: silent.ltu

    dual subb all with dyes for str as well
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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