Selling WoW x3 90s/WoD / Overwatch (Lots of skins) / Decent Hearthstone Collection

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kingbrandon, 12/13/16.

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  1. kingbrandon

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    Selling my personal bnet account. WoW account has 3 90s. Warlock, Death Knight, Warrior. Owns all xpacs up to and including Draenor. Overwatch account was unranked S1, high gold S2, is currently low gold S3 (2100), large skin collection, every halloween skin, just about a legendary for every hero. Hearthstone account has some decent cards, nothing too special.

    Feel free to PM me for any specifics or screenshots.

    Looking for offers, buy out is $100.
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