Sold [Selling] WoW Dragonflight Retail Account 11 level 70's, PvP illusions and more!

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by zert2020, 1/11/24.

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  1. zert2020

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    WoW Dragonflight Retail Account for sale. This my personal account, 100 percent mine. The account has 11 level 70 characters and 15130 achievement points.

    Classes: 3 Mistweaver Monks, 2 Warriors, 2 Hunters, 1 Priest, 1 Rogue, 1 Shaman, 1 Demon Hunter.

    2400 solo shuffle achievements for s1 and s2 of dragonflight with Crimson Gladiator's Tabard and Obsidian Gladiator's Tabard in bags or on characters(Monks) as well as elite tmogs and weapons for those respected seasons. S3 Duelist on all 3 monks, 1 of which is in top 100 MW's in the U.S. currently. All 3 monks 1 hunter and 1 warrior currently all have 4 set for this season. Other characters have gear that is still in progress for the season. 1 warrior and 1 hunter at 1900 cr in solo shuffle.

    s3 Elite pvp set Tmogs unlocked for: Demon Hunter, Monk, Warrior, and Hunter.

    PVP illusions: Verdant Crush, Shadowflame, Primal Storm, Dreadflame, and Unchained Fury.

    Notable Tmog items: Taeshalach 2h Sword, of the Unmaker(Red and Blue version), Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
    Tabard of Flame, Tabard of Fury, Tabard of Brilliance, Crimson Gladiator's Tabard, Obsidian Gladiator's Tabard. Warrior Legion s1 elite Tmog, Priest Legion s1-s2 elite Tmog, Demon Hunter Legion s1 elite tmog, Pieces of warrior Elite Tmog from Grievous season(Red recolor set)

    Some cool titles: the Bloodthirsty, Gorgeous, Blossom Bringer, duelist, soloist, the Tactician, the Dreamer, Warbringer, the Unrelenting, Warlord(RBG for priest only)

    Cool Mounts: All vicious saddle mounts, Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent(Huolon drop), Big Battle Bear, Regal Riding Crane, Azure Riding Crane, Golden Riding Crane, August Thundering Cloud Serpent, Warlord's Deathwheel(Unobtainable now), Ban Lu Grandmaster's Companion, Corrupted Firehawk, Red green and blue Shado-pan Tigers, 215 total mounts.

    If interested in buying, reach out to me at my discord handle(quickest way for me to respond) at Rip92#1601, I am open to negotiating a price we both can agree on, but please no low ball offers. I understand this doesn't have every achievement in game but I am also aware it is worth more than 100 bucks. Thank you and take care.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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