Selling Wow,diablo 3 + ros, ow, heathstone, and hots great deal

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tswizzle, 8/24/17.

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  1. Tswizzle

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    I have a account with time spent into practically every modern blizzard game. World of warcraft account with full expansions and 4 lvl 110 toons. Several more at 100. For overwatch I have a lvl 345 account with 4 golden guns and a career high of 3800 (masters). Currently sitting at 3k sr. 65 legendary skins, including skins from EVERY seasonal event. Diablo 3 + RoS (no necromancer purchased) For hearthstone I mostly played it casually but it does include legionaries for different classes and a decent amount of rare cards. HoTS account is lvl 65 with many skins. All of this for only $180 via paypal. Inbox me here or via skype -twizzlebreh for inquires on the account.
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