Sold Selling Wonder Tactics Global Account

Discussion in 'Wonder Tactics Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by artoodeetoo, 8/17/17.

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  1. artoodeetoo

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    Selling WT Global Account.

    Last heroes release Shaman Dran (myth), Shakina (leg)

    Myth: Temira and Anat

    Fire: Missing Toami
    Water: Missing Fenzy and Iris
    Earth: Complete
    Light: Have Jeanne, Septune and Victoria
    Dark: Have Cresen, Salamar and Marianne

    Other good non Leg:
    Hydra lv 32
    Arotos lv 36

    And many more
    Most heroes that are used frequently have all trait.

    Easy top 1% nest (just need to manual 2 of either DK, Bull or Punir), can get to top 100 with hard work
    Easy plat 1, can get to D3 by staying awake and spending diamond before arena ranking reset
    ToT and ToTH completed
    A lot of lv 40 6* heroes makes it easier to dismantle and get Leg scroll piece

    Visit here for screenshot

    PM me if interested.

    Thank you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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