Sold Selling wonder tactics account global

Discussion in 'Wonder Tactics Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by artoodeetoo, 5/13/17.

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  1. artoodeetoo

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    2 myth temira and anat.
    fire d 4/9 all trait
    wu 1/5 all trait
    scar 1/5 all trait
    snow d 0/5 trait lv 4 and 5 gem
    sable 0/5 all trait
    rose 3/6 trait lv 4 and 5 gem
    irene 1/5 no trait
    forest d 1/5 all trait
    grace 2/6 trait lv 4 and 6 gem
    sword master 1/6 trait lv 4 and 5 gem
    kanna 0/5 all trait
    elrai 1/6 trait lv 4 and 5 gem
    waygon 1/5 no trait
    cresen 0/5 trait lv 4 and 6 gem
    marianne 0/5 no trait no awaken
    jeanne 0/5 all trait
    septune 0/6 trait lv 4 gem
    candella 0/5 trait lv 4 and 5 gem

    good non leg
    miho 9/10
    tart 9/9
    moami 7/7
    tiuriel 6/7
    dr falcon 2/5
    ental 3/6 trait awaken
    peng 2/6 trait awaken
    arotos 3/5
    radin 3/7
    sady 9/9

    and many more like dina, jelos, shian, wingfred lv36, cropollux lv 36, praus lv40, hawk lv 36.
    pm or email

    [email protected]

    can finish toth 50
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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