Selling Selling WN8 boost (5500+) 3 Marks of Excellence, Ace Tankers etc

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Power Leveling for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Boosting' started by EASTO_CZ_SK, 9/16/17.

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    Welcome to my thread. My nickname in World of Tanks is EASTON_CZ_SK. I can provide you some excellence performance on your account.
    I have nearly 6000 recent WN8, almost every tank in my garage is 3 marked as well as OBJ.260.

    My prices for EU server:

    1 battle with 5000+WN8 = 0.5€
    1 Ace tanker = 10€

    3 marks:

    1. Mark=> 0-65% => 15€
    2. Mark=> 65-85%=> 20€
    3. Mark=> 85-95%=>30€ (except reward tanks such as OBJ.260, OBJ.907 etc, price will be higher)

    For more informations write me on email: [email protected]

    Ask me whatever you want. I will respond as soon as possible.
    Payment is made at PayPal.
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