Sold Selling Windreset (eu) summoner hm 11- 736 ap+leg weapon+leg necklace +leg ring+legpet

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by princeee, 12/7/16.

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  1. princeee

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    i wanted to sell my blade and soul account to any one who can offer me a good price and take care of my little summoner and her cat
    this account is from beta with founder pack
    summoner HM 11 almost 12
    736 AP
    legendary weapon-stage 4
    alll high end gems
    legendary necklace
    legendary ring
    legendry pet lvl 10
    legendry pvp soulsheild
    over 2 k gold if u sell all the material in bag in auction house
    carfting max out
    rank 8 premium membership 48 days
    all the goodies in bag
    example of just a few item total money if u seel on aution house in bag
    3 lvl 50 + other slot to make new char
    most coustume uncloked:)
    gona be taking offer first or pm me info of account and screen shots
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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