Account contains: Alb: 7L1 Armsman 6L8 Scout 6L6 Minstrel 5L6 Cleric 4L1 Theurg 4L0 Merc 4L0 Wizard Mid: 9L1 Healer 6L4 Shaman 4L5 Spiritmaster Hib: 6L0 Druid ALL ON DEVON!!! All of these characters are templated very well, and I can log any of them in-game to show you if you'd like. I also have a buffbot account that has ML8 bots on all 3 realms. Both accounts are active until 6/30/09. I'm looking to get around $125 for the main account or a $150 combo deal for both! I am verified on PayPal with many trades done on VN, just not much rep here. Contact me on AIM @ Ensley03 if you are interested or have any questions. Thanks! Scammed me on his account with the nightshade =( Originally Posted By: Forswin63 Scammed me on his account with the nightshade =( Wow you're an love you, I have a PayPal account with 49 transactions all done from gaming accounts over the past couple years. I don't know who you are but go troll somewhere else. If anyone has any concerns, I will list the sale on Ebay first for further security. I can also provide several reputable vouches from VN Classifieds. Buy from this guy at your own risk. I tried to buy an account once from him and got scammed. I got my money back when he found out I was a police officer. I got some lame excuse about a roomate trying to sell an account he already sold. He then told me I was an love you and should protect myself by buying accounts through agencies such as Look at posts about the dude on VN boards. It is not like Healerbob is well liked or trusted. He will blast me as a flamer, just a heads up to anyone who cares. I can provide screen shot of my payment sent as well as the refund. Wish I would have copied IMs he could not dispute those.