Quitting loc and selling my acc lvl 150+ forest 500 Energy 700+ Atk 100+ Def Cards: P19 Noble Exorcist Noelle UR P18 Almista Sky Nest Saint UR EX SK10 Selfish Nephilim Rhanana UR x2 Angelic Matron Liddell UR Beldine Just Sovereign UR Arle Rainbow Spirite UR x2 Gleaming Moon Shirayuki UR Alta the Forgotten UR Blanchet Aviron Leader UR P17 Finly Worldy Goddess UR EX SK10 Forged Heroine Zero Four UR EX SK8 Duroch Celestial Soldier UR EX SK3 Celica Denying Death UR EX SK 3 Drescher Treasure Master UR EX SK6 Mira Defeating Evil UR EX SK3 Swordsmiths Son Leos UR EX SK4 Oceanic Overseer Fort UR Dusk Divinity Anubs UR Amaria of Holy Blue & Gold UR Josef Public Defender UR Yerulayim Solomons Heir UR x2 Lunar Sanctum Misa UR P16 Titania the Shard Guard UR EX SK9 Hydarnes Undead General UR EX SK3 Heaven Defiler Ezechiele UR EX SK4 Bartholomanus Dragon Emperor UR EX SK3 Heaven Defiler Ezechiele UR x2 Bartholomanus Dragon Emperor UR x2 Vampyr King of Salavation UR P15 Morrigan Battle Sparker UR EX SK3 Ercore Jailed Royalty UR EX SK2 Rebellious Ulalia UR EX SK4 Snake Eyed Isissa UR x2 Great Matron Waltraud UR Aurora Light Bringer UR Yuis the Fugitive UR Barbara Undead Empress UR Galham Strata Swordsman UR x2 Lifeless King of Undead UR P14 Novella the Envoy UR EX SK2 Rudela Deacon Radical UR EX SK3 Francette Lost Daughter UR EX SK2 Dahaka Doom Bringer UR EX SK1 Wanderig Geryon UR Ex Sk2 Crystal Dragon UR EX SK1 Imprisoned Viluze UR EX SK2 Wanderig Geryon UR x2 Crystal Dragon UR x2 Ethernal Bahamut UR EX SK1 Azazel Prophet UR EX SK1 Surtr Aflame UR EX SK1 Ethernal Bahamut UR x4 Azazel Prophet UR x2 Deadly Fortune Elichika UR Hades King of Underworld UR Aqua Goddess Grau UR Nostina Golden Goddess UR Elesio Born of Crystal UR Imprisoned Viluze UR Flaming Werewolf UR x6 Puppeteer Satanachia UR x2 Black Flame Caller Knight UR x2 Power Hungry Gilgamesh UR Advisor of The Faykir UR Seraph Squad Leader Ovillian UR P13 Snake Charmer Niassa UR EX SK4 Ghoulish Annihilator UR Ryuka of Swift Steel UR Motty Master Scribe UR Realm Guardian Megabates UR Irizela the Transcendent UR Endangered Ancient Dragon UR P12 Heros Sacred Armaments UR Sun gods Light UR P10 Sharp Agent Amarie UR EX SK2 Advachiel of Horizons UR 150+ Rare/Rare EX + all treasure cards, 1k+ PP and ED 150+ LCP Tickets