Selling  High End Selling Whale global account .. 76 FES .. ++ cost58 units and Necro Bug MAX! ++

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 13snow, 8/20/18.

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  1. 13snow

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    Selling whale global account (have picture below)

    : Necronomicom Bug MAX!!
    : 3 Joseon (2 bug MAX!! and a 40 bug)
    : 3 Gateau (2 bug MAX!! and a 33 bug)
    : 3 Sucre (a bug MAX and two 66 bug)
    : BUG MAX 123 units
    : Omega badge (cabir)!!

    cost58 FES
    : Galileo (20 bug) + Midsummer Change (5 bug)

    cost55 : 108 units consist of
    : 74 FES units (ุ60 different units)
    : 15 weapon units (Muramasa, Ameno, Masamune = Bug MAX!!) + Longinus cost60 !!
    : 6 units from tower and raid boss
    : 4 units from ghost store
    : 9 units from special quest (7 different unit)

    cost53 : 23 units (22 different units)

    Hilight!! Powerful FES units
    - Red : Volta(20 bug), Volta(1 bug), Summer swan(20 bug), Cardano(20 bug)x2,
    Roy&Riza(20 bug), Fleming(20 bug), Jang Yeongsil(20 bug), Jang gilsan(20 bug)
    Kyo(10 bug), Summer diracx2

    - Green : Necro(bug max!!), Galois(20 bug), Pareto(20 bug), Poisson(20 bug),
    Nepier(20 bug), Elric bro(20 bug), Guan Yu(10 bug), Summer morse(5 bug),
    Summer hempel(5 bug), Halloween cauchy(5 bug)

    - Blue : Summer faraday(20 bug), Pascal(20 bug), Christmas fermat(20 bug),
    Hwang Jini(20 bug), Newyear dalton(20 bug), Miku blue(20 bug), Suleiman(20 bug),
    Marie curie(20 bug), Euclid(5 bug), Celsius(5 bug)

    - Yellow : Galileo(20 bug), Faraday(20 bug), Faraday(5 bug), Swan(20 bug), Swan(5 bug),
    Mersenne(10 bug), Hong Gildong(20 bug), Couloumb(10 bug), Kepler(10 bug),

    This account has
    : 123 maxbug units
    : 600K ghost point
    : 137 nurupons (two 10bug nurupons)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This account has already purchased 3 months polygon packege since 29/7/2018.
    In 2 months left, you are going to receive 25 polygon every day and get 500 polygon at 29/8/2018 and 29/9/2018

    This account is very strong and whale. You can conquer all of quests (include Omega level)
    by yourself. Normally, this account win 1st - 2nd in ranking quests.

    Pay by paypal only.
    Ask me if you want more pic or information.

    Contact me : [email protected]
    : or Novel Uncut Yaoi มือสอง - Bookstore - Bangkok, Thailand | Facebook. - 727 Photos (It's my webpage. Even if it's not game page but feelfree to inbox to contact me in this page.)
    #1 13snow, 10/12/18
    Last edited: 9/7/18
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