REASON FOR THE ACCOUNT BEING SOLD (FEEL FREE TO SKIP IT) Hello potential buyers, I'm looking to sell my account on Vindictus as I won't be having time to play the game anymore and I fell a bit out of touch with it recently after about the half year that I played. I played Vindictus during beta, but quit after the game released and came back to give it a chance when Delia released. It was fun while I was playing it, but I felt it took too much time out of my day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------PAYMENT METHOD---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm willing to only take Middleman Credits as payment. We'll split the 12% transaction fee 50/50 from Middleman. Reason being as it assures for both you and I to get what we want without the fear of being scammed. Please read the Middleman information for more info. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTACT INFO---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE YOU START TALKING TO ME ON SKYPE AFTER " I " ADDED YOU ON SKYPE, ASK ME TO PM YOU ON THE FORUMS.[B][B][COLOR=#ff0000] I will gladly identify that I am the rightful seller.[/COLOR][/B][/B] The best way of getting in contact with me is by PMing me here on the forums. We can then move to Skype to discuss the matter further as I don't use skype as often anymore. However, if you wish to add me on skype and contact me that way feel free to add me. I'll check my skype once in awhile. Skype ID: sooni.sooho ----------------------------------------------------------------------------CHANGE LOG---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ANY CHANGES TO THE ACCOUNT I WILL UPDATE HERE) [12/13/16] Posted Thread [12/13/16] Edited for info in "What I'm asking for", fixed links ----------------------------------------------------------------------------THE ACCOUNT BEING SOLD---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to ask me any questions about the account. Level 90 Delia Transformation: Dark Knight Lv. 16 200ish Titles About 80-90m Gold 10-11k Spendable AP Also have various of other characters on the account, but nothing worth mentioning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------STATS---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NOTE I CURRENTLY HAVE KITTY POTION ACTIVE, PLEASE MINUS ATK BY 500 AND HP BY 1000) (I WILL REPOST A NEW PICTURE ONCE IT WEARS OFF) (I AM NOT WEARING ANY OUTFITTERS IN THIS SCREENSHOT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (BESURE TO CHECK IF IT'S BOUND OR NOT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTABLE INVENTORY---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details Show Content ----------------------------------------------------------------------------NX INVENTORY---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details Show Content ----------------------------------------------------------------------------WHAT I'M ASKING FOR---------------------------------------------------------------------------- While my aim is $2000, I'm open to offers on the account. Lowballers will be ignored, I'm looking for serious buyers. I will NOT be selling anything off the account, I'm selling this account as WHOLE. B/O: $2000 C/O: $0