Selling Selling Warframe Mr 20 PC

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dayumned, 8/5/17.

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  1. Dayumned

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    Hello im selling MR 20 account with 1000 plat on it.
    Here are the details:
    Ash Prime, Atlas, Chroma, Ember Prime, Excalibur, Frost Prime, Inaros, Ivara, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros Prime, Nezha, Nidus, Nova Prime, Nyx Prime, Oberon, Rhino Prime, Saryn Prime, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt Prime, Zephyr.
    Ack and Brunt, Acrid, Akbronco Prime, Aksomati, Akstileto Prime, Amprex, Angstrum, Aterax, Azima, Boar Prime, Boltor Prime, Braton Prime, Broken Scepter, Broken War, Burston Prime, Buzlok, Caustacyst, Cernos Prime, Convectrix, Daikyu, Despair, Dex Dakra, Dex Furis, Dex Sybaris, Dread, Dual Raza, Dual Toxocyst, Embolist, Flux Rifle, Fragor Prime, Furax, Galatine Prime, Gazal Machete, Glaxion, Gorgon Wraith, Grinlok, Hate, Hek, Hema, Hikou, Hikou Prime, Hirudo, Ignis, Jat Kittag, Karyst, Kohm, Kohmak, Kulstar, Lacera, Lanka, Latron Prime, Lesion, Lex Prime, Machete Wraith, Mara Detron, Miter, Mutalist Cernos, Nikana Prime, Nukor, Ogris, Ohma, Opticor, Orthos Prime, Paracyst, Paris Prime, Phage, Pox, Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Grakata, Prisma Skana, Prisma Tetra, Pyrana, Quanta Vandal, Rakta Ballistica, Rakta Cernos, Rakta Dark Dagger, Reaper Prime, Redeemer, Ripkas, Rubico, Sancti Castanas, Sarpa, Scindo Prime, Secura Lecta, Secura Penta, Serro, Shaku, Sibear, Siccarus Prime, Silva and Aegis, Snipetron Vandal, Soma Prime, Sonicor, Spectra, Staticor, Stradavar, Supra, Synapse, Synoid Gamacor, Synoid Heliocor, Synoid Simulor, Telos Akbolto, Tigris Prime, Tonkor, Torid, Twin Rogga, Twin wraith vipers, Tysis, Vasto Prime, Vaykor Marelok, Vaykor Sydon, Vectis Prime, Venka, War, Zarr, Zhuge.
    Sentinels: Carrier, Carrier Prime, Dethcube, Diriga, Djinn, Helios, Wyrm, Wyrm Prime
    Appearance: A lot of skins and such...
    Mods: A lot of most used warframe and weapon mods.
    You will receive every info that i have... That means game account and password and my e-mail adress that will be yours with all the info.

    THE PRICE : 70 $ USD
    Payment: Paypal
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