Sold Selling Warframe MR~14 Acc PC

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AlevaPlayer, 10/12/17.

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  1. AlevaPlayer

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    MR 13 almost Mr14
    Member For:3 years
    Very long time i didnt played now i want to sell my acc

    Tonkor 6 forma
    148 plats
    1m credits
    All u can see on screenshots:
    skype: alevaplayer

    Ash, Banshee, Ember, Ember Prime, Excalibur, Frost Prime, Hydroid, Limbo, Loki, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Nova, Nova Prime, Nyx, Nyx Prime, Oberon, Rhino, Rhino Prime, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt
    Primary- Amprex, Boar Prime, Boltor, Boltor Prime, Braton, Braton Prime, Burston, Burston Prime, Buzlok, Dera, Drakgoon, Dread, Glaxion, Grakata, Hind, Ignis, Karak, Kohm, Latron Prime. Mk-1 braton, Mk-1 Strun, Paris Prime, Penta, Phage, Prisma Gorgon, Paracyst, Panthera, Opticor, Mutalist Quanta, Simulor, Soma, Soma Prime, Sybaris, Tiberon, Tonkor, Vulkar

    Secondary- Aklato, Akmagnus, Akvasto, Akzani, Angstrum, Bronco, Bronco Prime, Castanas ,Cestra, Detron, Dex Furis, Furis, Gammacor, Hikou, Kunai, Lato, Lex Prime, Magnus, Nukor, Pyrana, Sicarus Prime, Stug, Synoid Gammacor, Twin Gremlins, Tysis, Vasto, Viper, Vasto Prime

    Melee- Bo, Ankyros Prime, Atterax, Dakra Prime, Dark Dagger, Dex Dakra, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Skana, Dual Zoren, Ether Daggers, Ether Reaper, Fang Prime, Fragor, Glaive Prime, Hate, Jat Kittag, Jaw Sword, Karyst, Kestrel, Kogake, Kronen, Lecta, Magistar, Nami Solo, Orthos Prime, Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword, Prova, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Scindo Prime, Scoliac, Serro, Skana, Tipedo, Tonbo, Venka
    Wyrm Prime, Wyrm, Sweeper, Stinger,Prime laser, Djinn, Death Cube, Deth machine rifle, Carrier
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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