Sold Selling Warframe Account. Mr 24 With Lots Of Goodies And Prime Accesories!

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MikeTheGod187, 4/30/18.

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  1. MikeTheGod187

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    Hello Everyone. I am selling my Warframe account that is pretty old. I think its a couple years old but I'm not to sure to be honest. This account is LOADED with a bunch of goodies such as Rare Mods,Rivens,Weapons and much more. I will like to say I won't say much about the account on here because of the way DE tracks and bans accounts. I will have information here about the account just minimal. I will also include several different ways to contact me via Email,Discord,Steam and Reddit. Lastly I want to say that when and if you buy this Account. You will get FULL ownership of the Email provided with the Account. OK ON TO THE DETAILS!.

    -Mastery Rank 24(Almost 25, need 40k xp to next level)
    -Login Day is on DAY 297(will keep loging in to keep up until someone buys)
    -No Clan on the Account
    -Neutral in ALL storyline missions in the game
    -421 out of 445 Weapons are fully leveled( don't have them all but have a good chunk)
    -LOTS of weapons Slots,Warframe Slots and other
    -TONS of resources. So much so you won't need to worry
    -Have ALL Archwings currently in game and LOTS of rare mods for the Archwings
    -Pretty much all High Tier Mods you can think of and 90% of them are MAXED and if not they Rank 9
    -Syndicates I am friendly with are( Perrin Sequence. Red Veil and New Loka)
    -Have ALL Prime Weapons, Including some vaulted
    -Have MOST of the Wraith Weapons Currently in-game
    -Only have 2 Rivens (Scoliac and Zenith)
    -44k Endo + Bunch of Ayatan Sculptures. Probably worth another 50k or so
    -Have Most of the PRIMED MODS, 90% MAXED
    -ALL the mods that will be frequently used on builds are MAXED
    -4.3 Million Credits. More Then Enough for anything that comes out.
    -7 Ayatan Amber Stars, 126 Cyan Stars. These are used to upgrade AYATAN SCULPTURES
    -Have a FEW Kubrows
    -I have ALOT of the PRIME Acesses. So LOTS of goodies in that department. I do not know the name of them all but PM me and Ill tell you the name of them all.
    -Have the 1st Prime Operator Outfit that is much desired by alot of people
    -Almost ALL Color Pallets
    -LOTS of ship decorations for you and your FashionFrame Desires
    -Zenurik Tree For the Operator, Almost maxed the tree
    -TONS of Focus Lens
    -11,628 Mods in Total ( some are obviously Duplicates)
    -94,922 Rating
    -Lots of Scans,Equipment and Poses if you are into that ( Energy Pizzas Included) :D
    -Everything Plains of Eidolon is Halfway done. Haven't played much of it but got alot of stuff such as resources from it. Also it will come with all 3 different type of fishing rods you need to get lots of resources and all 3 Miner guns you need to MINE LIKE A FREAK.
    -Just want to say also if you want more details on certain rare mods that are worth like 400p or more that I have just email me or message me on discord or on steam. Like I said above I'm not mentioning everything I have but mentioned a good chunk. On another note.

    Overall I think this account is in very good shape. It is missing a lot since the latest updates. I have not been playing the account much, but it is in a position to get changed if the right person takes the account over. I want to sell this account to someone that I know will ENJOY the hardwork I really put into the game. This Account will definitly Help anyone that wants to really get a jump start into Warframe with a bunch of frames and weapons. I really hope you guys are interested and hope to pass my account to someone that will really enjoy the game as much as I did once. Thank you all for reading and considering the account and hope to hear from anyone soon.


    Contact Information is as Follows:
    Discord: MikeTheGod187#4562
    Steam: MikeTheGod187
    Email: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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