Selling Selling Warface Europe Account Rank 28 for selling 3+ K.D Icebreaker Scout Perma

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sh4nex, 8/18/17.

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  1. Sh4nex

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    Hello everybody, the account is about 3-4 months old and i only played Sniper.

    I don't really know how much this Account worth is so give some prices


    -Rank: 28 Master Gunnery Sergeant
    -Items unlocked: 43/115
    -Challenges completed: 30/950

    -Missions completed:0
    -PvP Matches Won/Lost: 111/80
    -Kill/Death ratio: 3.241
    -Total play time: 46H 28M
    -Shooting accuracy: 49%

    -Kredits: (2576 left)

    -> Weapons

    -Icebreaker SAE Scout (Permanent)
    -SVK (Permanent)
    -R107 (139 Days left)
    -AC7 SNR (Permanent)

    - Black Shark S18G (Permanent)
    -Eagel Eye (Permanent)
    -M9A1 (Permanent)
    -M93R (Permanent)
    -HEX Autorevolver (393 Days left)
    -R1911D1 (Permanent)
    -High Power Pistol (Permanent)

    -Utility Knife (Permanent)
    -Ultra Marine (Permanent)
    -Executor Knife (Permanent)

    -Grenade (Permanent)
    -Flashbang (84 Days left)
    -Bluesmoke (565 left)
    -Anti-Personnel Mine (3 left)

    -Warlord Sniper Helmet (Permanent)
    (Increases head protection by 60%. Regenerates 8 health points over time (after 5 secs with no hits)

    -Warlord Sniper Vest (Permanent)
    (Provides 50 Additional armor points. Regenerates 8 armor points over time (after 5 secs with no hits). Increases protection against explosive damage by 30%.)

    -Assault Gloves (Permanent)
    (Increases selection and deselection speed by 20%)

    -Spy Shoes (Permanent)
    (Eliminates the sound of movement. Increses sprint speed by 5%. Increases sprint distance by 30%.

    -VIP Booster (9 Days left)

    ->Body Skins
    -Sniper Female-Nanosuit (Permanent)
    -Sniper-Resistance Suit (19 Days left)
    -C.S.F.Sniper (36 Days left)
    -Superior Sniper's Armor (18 Days left)

    - Account Pictures
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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