Android and iOS  High End Selling War and Magic (WAM) level 30 account VIP 9, +130M power, M79 server

Discussion in 'War and Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marius Topor, 7/12/23.

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  1. Marius Topor

    Marius Topor
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    My Location:
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    Hi all, selling account because my newborn kid doesn't like me playing this game anymore :)

    Accounts features :

    Alliance: M79
    Server : M79
    Privilege:VIP 9
    Nobility : Crown Prince VI
    Rank : Seargent IV

    Buildings :
    -Altar's Heart : level 60(max)
    -Elijah's Power : level 108
    -Army power : +246.616.676
    -City Hall : level 30(max)
    -Forge : level 30(max)
    -Academy : level 30(max)
    -Tulip Pub : level 30(max)
    -Rally point :level 30(max)
    -Market :level 30(max)
    -6 x Sawmills : level 30(max)
    -6 x Farms : level 30(max)
    -6 x Crystal Mines :level 30(max)
    -Storehouse :level 30(max)
    -City Wall :level 30(max)
    -Dwarven Forge :level 30(max)
    -Embassy :level 30(max)
    -Altar :level 30(max)
    -Hall of War :level 28
    -4 x Void Gates: 1 x level 30(max)/1 x level 28/ 2 x level 27
    -1 x Range Barack : level 30(max)
    -Portal : level 23
    -6 x Tents : 3 x level 30(max)/ 1 x level 27/ 1 x level 26/ 1 x level 25
    -10 x Hospitals : 1 xlevel 30(max)/ 2 x level 24/ 3 x level 23/ 1 x level 22

    Maidens unlocked : 7/12

    Available Heroes :
    *Rose Mage(level 40/40)
    *Lafia Priest(level 40/40)
    *Phoenix Knight(level 34/40)
    *Barbarian(level 29/40)
    *Necromancer(level 30/40)
    *Archangel(level 30/40)
    *Panda Warrior(level 30/40)
    *Shaman(level 30/40)
    *Conquerer(level 30/40)
    *Elemental Lord(level 30/40)
    *Spartan Warrior(level 30/40)
    Current marching troops status number :9/11
    Current gold owned : +43K (12.07.2023)

    Available Beasts : 21/21
    *Hell Dragon(level 40/40 - 10 stars) - MAX
    *Cerberus(level 40/40 - 10 stars) - MAX
    *Werewolf(level 40/40 - 10 stars) - MAX
    *Faerie Dragon((level 40/40 - 10 stars) - MAX
    *Jackalope((level 40/40 - 10 stars) - MAX
    *Son of Forest(level 40/40 - 9 stars)
    *Manticore(level 40/40 - 9 stars)
    *Blue Morpho(level 38/40 - 8 stars)
    *Sun Eater((level 38/40 - 8 stars)
    *Nine-tailed Fox((level 36/40 - 8 stars)
    *Thunder Dragon(level 35/40 - 8 stars)
    *Kraken(level 34/40 - 7 stars)
    *Kings of Dragons(level 32/40 - 7 stars)
    *Kirin(lecel 27/40 - 6 stars)
    *Frost Beast(level 24/40 - 5 stars)
    *Hydra(level 12/40 - 3 stars)
    *Snow Child(level 8/40 - 2 stars)
    *Ancient Golem(level 8/40 - 2 stars)
    *Golden Dragon(level 8/40 - 2 stars)
    *Wings of Death(level 4/40 - 1 star)
    *Sea Calamity(level 4/40 - 1 star)

    Resources at the time of editing (12.07.2023) :
    -Food : +70 M
    -Wood : + 1.48 B
    -Crystals : +84 M
    -Gems : +70 M

    Academy development % :
    -Resource science : 100%
    -Governance : 100%
    -Military Research : 100%
    -Lord Upgrades : 100%
    -Advanced Armaments : +65%
    -Advanced Lord Tech : +50%
    -Elite Armaments : +9%

    The price also includes 3 x level 24 Twin Cities
    The account is bound to GoatID and gmail and will be transfered once with the purchase.

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Marius Topor

    Marius Topor
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    My Location:
    Update : Total power dropped at 120M+
    #2 Marius Topor, 7/27/23
    Last edited: 2/2/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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