Sold Selling [Void] Selling ED

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Void ED, 6/26/17.

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  1. Void ED

    Void ED
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    Selling Void ED
    Cheapest Void ED on the market! :)

    How to buy!
    Add me on skype: Slientfox
    Or add me on discord: Fallen#5947

    1. Request the amount of ED you would like to buy.
    2. We set up a time to meet, and or discuss the purchase.
    3. You send the payment once confirmed you receive your ED
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
    [ED Rate/Stock] Updated Sunday June 25th 7:19AM [Current stock 18B]
    (Clicking the current stock shows the ammout of ED)

    10(USD) : 1B(ED)
    This is a 4th of July sale, get it while you can! After the sale prices will go back to 15(USD) : 1B(ED)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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