Sold Selling Void Elsword ED/PK Account/+10/Ice Burner sets

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by voidelsservice, 3/3/17.

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  1. voidelsservice

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    We are a team selling Void Elsword's massive ED / PK Accounts / and many valuable items such as +10 scrolls.Visit our Website for more information.

    Current Stock: 28,000,000,000


    Click the link to check our stock and +10 scrolls.

    Things on sale:

    Double +10 Legendary Perkisas weapon account
    Triple Legendary Perkisas Account
    +10 Amulets

    How do we trade?
    1.Add skype
    2.Pay through our website via paypal
    3.Tell us your IGN
    4.We will send the ED/Items through Elsword Mail Box(We can do face to face transaction if you want)

    Is it trustable?/How long does it last?
    We plan to do long-term business. And we already have many successful transactions.

    Skype: Void Els Service
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