Sold Selling Vip 9 * lvl 103 * 98 heroes - mostly red, skilled, many legendary * 8k+ gems *

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NeoGhost, 2/12/17.

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  1. NeoGhost

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    I'm selling a Level 103 VIP 9 account that I've had since close to HC's launch. I quit months ago, but passed down my account to my brother & niece, who have recently also quit. Much love has been put into this game while I played with family & friends. Here's a rundown of the account:

    Server 79 - Moray
    VIP 9
    Team Level 103
    8k+ Gems
    30M Gold
    98 Heroes - 27 are Legendary
    984,785 Total Heroes Power
    Typically rank 50-100 in either arena
    Heroes Camp buildings are level 3 & 4 with Training Grounds @ 19
    - Lots of resources are stocked

    Hero Stats (Varying ranks in each color isn't listed) :
    - 57x Red 5*
    - 3x Red 4*
    - 2x Red 3*
    - 1x Red 1*
    - 17x Orange 5*
    - 4x Orange 4*
    - 6x Purple 5*
    - 4x Purple 3*
    - 3x Purple 2*
    - 1x Purple 1*

    Willing to consider any serious offer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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