Selling  SELLING VIP 8 - Level 344 - 32 Million PL

Discussion in 'Yong Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jack Yang, 7/30/21.

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  1. Jack Yang

    Jack Yang
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    Hey, so I started this game back in the middle of May and have been playing it consistently for around 2 and a half months and have spent around $8000 on the game. Around 10K ingots and 3K Bingots My free time slowly decreases so I would be hope to be able to sell my account.

    I attached some screenshots of my account. PM me if you need anything more specific.

    IMG_0481.PNG IMG_0482.PNG IMG_0483.PNG IMG_0484.PNG IMG_0485.PNG IMG_0486.PNG IMG_0487.PNG IMG_0488.PNG IMG_0489.PNG IMG_0490.PNG IMG_0491.PNG IMG_0492.PNG IMG_0493.PNG IMG_0495.PNG IMG_0496.PNG IMG_0497.PNG IMG_0498.PNG IMG_0499.PNG IMG_0500.PNG IMG_0501.PNG IMG_0502.PNG
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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