Selling Selling Vip 7 account main 8.000.000 CP demon blade

Discussion in 'Kritika Chaos Unleashed Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tagmat, 5/16/17.

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  1. Tagmat

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    VIP 7 account selling, main DB 8.000.000CP atk 655.000 atk opals: rage annhilation 87, critical dmg 99, Sky split 111. Sword lvl30 +10
    Subs character:
    Burst Braker 3.3M CP 390k atk
    Eclaire 3M CP 372k atk
    Valkyre 3.2M CP 397k atk

    All other subs are awakened with more than 250k atk

    Sage +16(wally + draco) full atk
    Baphomet +22 full atk
    Wally +25 full atk
    Gretel +16 full atk
    Maureen +22 full cp
    Alice +24 full def
    Inque +15 full def

    Burst Braker:
    750 light essence
    230 dark essence
    15 nature essence

    Demon Blade:
    200 light essence
    330 nature essence
    150 nature essence

    Some pittures here:

    Selling price: 400€ (PayPal only)

    Contact me at: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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