Sold Selling [VIP 13] Level 102 Whale Account with almost every hero 5* in the game!

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by goYugiohPro, 12/3/16.

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  1. goYugiohPro

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    I no longer have time to play so I'm selling this account. Transition will be very smooth through the "Link a Device" feature. I am a well known professional poker player who has handled tens of thousands of dollars in player trades so you can trust me fully. Or I can arrange a middleman service for 100% peace of mind.

    Level: 102
    VIP Level: 13 with 29,950 points needed for VIP 14!

    Annual Card Activated

    This account has EVERY hero in the game except:

    Ghost Knight, Fiend Slayer, Forest Fairy, Tarot Prophet, Corrupted Angel, Time Traveler, Musketeer, Evil Blood, Divine Knight, Evil Rabbit, Serpent Warlock

    Every Hero is 5* except:
    4*- Inferno, Cat Fencer, Ice Spirit
    3*- Demon Assassin, Wizard Doctor, Troll Princess, Stormlord, Nymph of the Sea, Devastator, Forest Guardian, Queen of Nature, Elder Giant
    2*- Ooze, Skeleton Mage, Dope King, Thunder Beast, Mechanical Destroyer, Dual Wield, Unsullied Champion

    Highlights of Max Gear Heroes (all max R+1 Enchants Level 102)

    Deathknight, Vanguard Warrior, Turtle Fighter, Bear Warrior, Dwarf Warrior, Arcane Sapper, Depth's Voice
    Ember Blade, Griffin, Soulhunter, Cleric, Commander, Imperial Executioner, Rose Fencer, Chemist, Death Mage, Master Mage, Hidden Needle, Silencer, Vengeance Spirit, Ninja Assassin
    Light Bringer, Sorceress, Manipulator, Puppet Master, and literally every other hero in the game not listed above!


    1636+ Gems
    59277 Arena Points
    85122 Grand Arena Points
    35006 Crusade Points
    19977 Guild Shop
    2324 Guild Tournament
    132268 Soul Shop

    Please PM me with any offers or questions. Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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