Selling VIP 12, 9T, +3500 stam, +24k jewels, + 109k HonorP, +100 Void, TapW complete,

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MWSummon, 3/16/17.

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  1. MWSummon

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    For more information, screen, etc. PM me or search on Pal+ for MWsummon or [email protected]
    Paypal only (family/friends option) and I don't go first

    Account Details March, 16 2017:

    Level 420
    VIP level 12
    All mines

    skill points (SP) 7.521
    skill 300/510/3523

    Jewels 24.063
    Honor Points (HP) 109.953

    DPH (all buffs & dark leader) over 9T (top 100 all WBs )
    DPH TB/dungeons/EB squad 465B (all 3 Ragnarok plus)

    Void 107
    Celestial 232
    Legend 1.061
    Mysterious 479
    Mystic+ 20

    Energy Potions 1.347
    Stamina Potions 855

    houndred of rune, monster core, universal core x1.800

    houndred of monster to combine!

    TAP Warlord:

    All Items (30)
    cost to autorun stage 1850: ~500 resources
    Hearth of Warlord (HoW) level 214
    Cristal Skull of Gemini level 723
    Lucky Coin level 427

    ALSO if interesting: 2 ex summoner with ~100k jewels, all eggs, all Honor points, etc..
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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