Sold Selling [VIP 10] Android Level 180+, Godly Fortress Aura PvP Team - 116,000+ Power!

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Archeuz, 12/21/17.

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  1. Archeuz

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    The ultimate PvP team! You can't really get much better than this. This team is specially crafted to combat the swarm of Rainbow aura teams out there, and does exactly that. Sit back and watch as the enemy team fail to hit yours again and again, while your big hitters wipe them out.
    Each hero in this lineup has a T4 Orange Treasure, and the perfect artifacts to make this team insanely overpowered. It includes 2x Energy Artifacts, fire those Ults in round 1!
    Currently working towards a 3rd 10* IB, will surely get the IB 5* copies I need in the next prophet orb event :)
    Both pets have fully maxed auras
    Rank 2 in Aspen Dungeon, Difficult 80+
    Located on a server between S35-S55

    Everyone would rather looking at photos instead of reading paragraphs, so here you go!










    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to fire them through.
    Open to offers!

    Have a fantastic morning/day/night wherever you may be!​
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