Selling Selling Veteran STO account

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by STO_Buyer, 5/21/17.

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  1. STO_Buyer

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    The account was created in 2012. It has six level 60 characters. Available assets are as follows (the numbers are rounded down):
    Total Zen: 3.7 k (sixteen thousand and five hundred).
    Master Keys: 120 (worth at least 500M EC)
    Total refined dilithium: over 4.8 M (four million and eight hundred thousand).
    Total energy credits: 150M
    Reputation marks: 150 k (one hundred and fifty thousand) – convertible to 1.5 M dilithium.
    780 Borg neural processors (~250 k dil) and other reputation items.
    (If you convert every currency you’ll get over 40 k of Zen in total (March, 19th exchange rates). Total worth of ships is around 50k Zen).
    Additionally, your characters can refine 50 k of dilithium per day. This is an FTP account.

    Screen shots: Sent via PMs

    Ships (most have full ship mastery):
    T6 – about 16 vessels
    T5 and T5-U, about 25
    Some are Zen – available to all characters from the same faction and the rest are fleet ones.
    There are also about fifteen lock box ships and ships awarded during events.

    Here is the non-exhaustive list:
    Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser
    Andorian escorts bundle (3 ships),
    Vesta bundle (3 ships),
    Romulan dreadnought bundle (3 ships – Scimitar!)
    Mogai warbird (fleet version included),
    Phantom Intel Escort,
    Eclipse Intel Cruiser,
    Intel/Tactical Command Battlecruisers, Battlecruisers etc. (Federation, Romulan, Klingon.)
    Krenim science ship,
    Kobali cruiser,
    Vorgon destroyer,
    “Bug” ship,
    Jem’Hadar Carrier,
    Hazari destroyer,
    Wells temporal science ship,
    2 Hirogen ships (Apex and Hunter),
    Benthan cruiser,
    3 Elachi ships (S’golth, Sheshar and Monbosh),
    5 Breen ships (event),
    2 Risian ships (event) etc...

    Epic Mk XIV (gold) ship weapons include: antiproton (account bound – all characters can use them), phaser, plasma (beams).
    Full Gold Iconian Set
    There are many other weapons available (dual beam banks, cannons... of all types and rarity).
    Ultra rare Mk XIV ship equipment includes various sets (Iconian, Romulan, Omega, Honour Guard, Borg, Dyson etc.)
    Epic/ultra rare Mk XIV ship consoles are many (universal, lobi, fleet, parts of sets etc.)
    Admiralty ships: 20-30 available per character including 5 or more epic/gold ones.
    BOffs: including Romulan and unique ones.
    DOffs: some epic/gold, most are purple and blue.
    Extra ship, BOff, DOff, bank, inventory etc. slots, energy credit limit removed...
    There are six characters and all are level 60. There is no “main” character per se – all of them are fully developed and have sufficient assets to complete any mission without problems. They were played a lot and have many bonuses. One free new character slot available.
    I was not pursuing DPS records but the Fed, Rom and Kling Tacs are capable of doing at least 100.000 DPS in random teams (logs available).
    Playing Reman Engineer lately, awesome build in Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser at the moment
    I focused more on space assets and the ground equipment is not listed but there is everything you might need to complete missions.

    Federation scientist, Race: Human
    Reputation: all Tier V, except Lukari compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 4 and 1/2, 28 points unassigned

    Klingon tactician, Race: Alien
    Reputation: all Tier V, except Lukari compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 5 and 1/2, 12 points unassigned

    Romulan tactician (ally of Klingon Empire)
    Reputation: all Tier V, except Lukari compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 5 and 1/2, 13 points unassigned

    Federation tactician (Delta recruit), Race: Alien
    Reputation: all Tier V, except Lukari and compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 6 full, 5 points unassigned

    Reman RRF Engineer (Fed)
    Reputation: all Tier V, except new compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 5 full, 34 points unassigned

    Federation engineer, (Temporal agent – newest character)
    Reputation: all Tier V, except new compentative wargames
    Specialisation trees: 1 and 1/2, 9 points unassigned
    Plenty R&D materials, characters can manufacture items at R&D school level 20.

    There are over 1,300 superior tech upgrades, more than 300 contraband etc.
    You will enjoy playing STO with these characters and their various professions and ships!

    Priced to sell at $399, paypal, send pm if interested.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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