This is my personal account. It's 100% leveled by myself the past 2 years. It's already 720days subscribed (Veteran Rank Reward Level 10). I am stopping becouse i got a new job and i dont have much time to play like i old days The main character has maxed out all classes and it's ready for Stormblood. This includes crafters and gathering classes as wel Access to 8 retainers (max leveled and ready for ventures) filled with crafting mats tokens etc as well rare outfits from events and mogstation.Ninja, Astrologian and Bard i275 Relics completed and Have BiS as well multiple relics in various stages from 170 up to 240 Crafters and Gathers are equiped with BiS Gear and max melded. High level desynthesis on Cul (249) ,LTW (230) and Goldsmith (238)Access to 75 mil + gil enough to buy a large house in the new Housing Area with Stormblood's launch. Almost all the quests completed (may missing few sidequests) and over 8000 achivement points that grants rare outfits, mounts , minions and titles. For more informations you can contact me on Skype: [email protected] - - - Updated - - - http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1495810849/d9y8v8ebumunfix1fiig.jpg