Sold Selling Veteran P2W Account Fam 10 Lvl 200 Youth Tools Etc

Discussion in 'Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RedLionOfficial, 7/13/22.

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  1. RedLionOfficial

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    9D63473D-0CF2-47D5-A4E8-E5433B7F20A2.png Veteran player, been playing since around 1st anni. Been in several top guilds and have majority of current meta. Lvl 200 Fame 10, Years worth of p2w cards & tools, as well as over 70 triple resist youth tools. Should be able to get into any guild, win attacks and defense easily and a large collection of limit break cards and high level ex ult cards. Enough resources to make as many SSS as you could need. Most meta units have fully maxed link board 2 and over 700 additional keys. I will sell for a reasonable price if not the best offer. Message me on discord for more info, pics, questions, character references, etc. redlion#1658

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