Selling Selling Very good high-end account

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Vanya Ankudan, 8/3/17.

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  1. Vanya Ankudan

    Vanya Ankudan
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Agni - Volcanic, Swagni, Infernal, Golden and Legendary skins - VP
    Ah Muzen Cab - Dark Whisperer, Killer Bee, Solid hornet - VP
    Ah Puch - VP
    Amaterasu - none
    Anhur - Olympian, recolor and clan skins - VP
    Anubis - Gravehound, Stargazer - VP
    Ao Kuang - Dragon King - VP
    Aphrodite - Afro-dite, beach babe - VP
    Apollo - Elite Agent, TSM, Curse voice, Golden, Legendary skins (X mastery) - VP
    Arachne - Black widow - VP
    Ares - Recolor, Diamond sword, SWC 2015, Soldier of Fortune - VP
    Artemis - Wrangler, CONVENTION 2012, Stalker, Primal Huntress - VP
    Athena - Red star, Liberte - VP
    Awilix - Recolor - VP
    Bacchus - Father Chrishmash, The king - VP
    Bakasura - Death Machine, Butcher, Ravenous, Feaster Bunny - VP
    Bastet - Covert Ops, Kawaii - VP
    Bellona Torment, Golden - VP
    Cabrakan - Rampage, Nerd Rage - VP
    Camazotz - none
    Chaac - Hailstorm, Slaughterhouse, Einherjar, Storm Jarl - VP
    Chang'e - moonlight love, Lunar tango - VP
    Chiron - none
    Chronos - Super Chronos 64 - VP
    Cupid - Lil' Devil, Loverboy, lucky baby fuwa - VP
    Erlang Shen - none
    Fafnir - none
    Fenrir - Frostfang, Metal Carnage, Wreck the Halls, Lord Slashington III - VP
    Freya - Northern Lights, Frost Maiden, Valkyrie, Pixel buster - VP
    Geb - Molten Fury, G.E.B. 1 - VP
    Guan Yu - Unstoppable Blade, Master Guan **, Convention 2014
    Hades - Classic Hades, Soultaker - VP
    He Bo - He Bro, Infinity wave, The sydney Shredder - VP
    Hel - Solstice, Jingle Hel - VP
    Hercules - Grand Slam, Derpules, La Roca, Retrocles - VP
    Hou Yi - Sunbreaker - VP
    Hun Batz - Shaolin Monk-ey, Space Monkey - VP
    Isis - Denial, Scarlet Coven, Clan skin - VP
    Izanami - none
    Janus - Gatekeepr, Jandroid, Golden - VP
    Jing Wei - none
    Kali - Blood Jarl, Convention 2013, Skaliwag, Trophy hunter, valkalli - VP
    Khepri - Imperator - VP
    Kukulkan - Sacred Dragon, Typhoon, Void Wyrm - VP
    Kumbhakarna - Pajama party - vp
    Kuzenbo - none
    Loki - Infiltrator, Ssslither - VP
    Medusa - Mortal Coil - VP
    Mercury - Prizefighter, Run.exe - Golden and Lenegdary - VP
    Ne Zha - Cyberpunk - VP
    Neith - Buccaneith, Carnaval Queen, Instakill, Mischievous, MS. diagnosis - VP
    Nemesis - Blind Vengeance, Executioner, No mercy - VP
    Nike - none
    Nox - Madame Darkness - VP
    Nu Wa - Amethyst, Nice and Naughty, Water Dancer - VP
    Odin - Daimyodin, Mountain Man, The Huntsman, Wolrds Collide, Golden - VP
    Osiris - Frankenhotep, The Re-animated - VP
    Poseidon - Dreadbeard - VP
    Ra - Alienware, Ra'Merica, Solar Eclipse, Solar Sentinel, Golden - VP
    Raijin - none
    Rama - Orbital Strike, Golden - VP
    Ratatoskr - Armored Scurrier, Flurry - VP
    Ravana - King of the ring, rock from Bisrakh, Diamond skin (X mastery)
    Scylla - COG Scylla, Daisy Despair, Lil' Red - VP
    Serqet - Dread queen, Madame Blade, Venom - VP
    Skadi - none
    Sobek - Crickeydile, High seas - VP
    Sol - none
    Sun Wukong - Dark Lord, Silver Rage, Golden - VP
    Susano - none
    Sylvanus - Permafrost, Season's Spirit - VP
    Terra - none
    Thanatos - ARCHON  , Jack the Reaper, Golden and Legendary skins - VP
    The Morrigan - none
    Thor - Blood Eagle, Heavy Metal, Iron Gamer, Wrath of Valhalla - VP
    Thoth - none
    Tyr - Convention 2015, Dark Judgement, Privatyr - VP
    Ullr - The Survivor, Golden - VP
    Vamana - Cangaceiro, Lil'Mana - VP
    Vulcan -Sentry, Warforged - VP
    Xbalanque - Football star 2014 (!!!), Jaguar Footballer, Shinobalanque, SPL 2015 EU/NA, Weltmeister 2014 (!!!!!) - VP
    Xing Tian - none
    Ymir - Boss Twitchymir, Digi-Mir 9000, Irezumir, Nuclear Winter, Obsidian Shard - VP
    Zeus - Almighty, Stormbringer, Thunderhead, Uncle Zeus - VP
    Zhong Kui - Demon Catcher, G.I. Zhing, King of Ghosts - VP
    Exclusive Avatars: streamers, SWC 2015, Hel If i Know, Gears, International 2014, Jack O Lantern, Lunar New Year, Pirate Flag, Screaming Mouth, Sestertis coin, Sharky, Whoose gonna win
    Wards: all instead of teams (Have denial)
    Announcer pack: Ymir, Swagni, Nox, Bart, DM, DryBear
    Loading frames: 2015 SWC, Season Ticket 2015, Viking Invasion, Winter Holidays
    Pedestal: SWC 2015, viking altar
    Global Emote: Fireworks
    Music Theme: Norse

    I've put on this account 1k$ and i'm opened to your offers. Skype: iankudan or Иван Анкудинов (copy it)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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