I'm tired of this game, that's why I decided to sell my account. Played about 6 or 7 months. This account have almost any series synergy. Stamina - 175 (finished with game from December, so you have a chance to get mythril from realm dungeons) Gil - 17 586 136 G.Green - 32 500 Record Materia - 84 (Tyro (all 4), Cloud (1st, 2nd and 3rd), Cid (exp), Luneth (all 4), Arc (1st, 2nd, 3rd), Refia (all 4), Quinna (1st, 2nd), Garnet (1st, 2nd), Steiner (all 3), Terra (1st, 2nd), Cecil (all 4), Balthier (1st - haste), OK (all 3), Minfilia (1st, 2nd) and some others) Abilities - 87 (5 - 6*, 15 - 5*, many 4*) OSB[FFXII] - Vaan (Blood-Red Spiral) Total OSB - 1 BSB[FFI] - Garland (Dark Rebirth) [FFII] - Maria (Meteor XVI) [FFIII] - Refia (Dance of Carnage), Luneth (Eternal Wind), Onion Knight (Vessel of Fate) [FFIV] - Cecil (Paladin Force) [FFV] - Faris (Beryl Serpent) [FFVI] - Terra (Blood of Espers) [FFVII] - Vincent (Galiand Beast) [FFVIII] - Selphie (Strange Vision) [FFIX] - Eiko (Prayer of the Lost) [FFXII] - Vaan (Ark Blast), Balthier (Galting Gun) [FFXIII] - Hope (Divine Judgment), Fang (Megaflare), Lightning (Requiem of the Goddess), Vanille (Transcendent Dream) [FFXIV] - Minfilia (The Echo) [FFT] - Ramza (Unsung Hero) Total BSB - 19 SSB[FFII] - Guy (Gaia Drum) [FFIII] - Refia (Blazing Fists), Arc (Renewing Rains, Word of Kidness), Luneth (Swordshower) [FFIV] - Rosa (Divine Heal), Porom (Sync) [FFV] - Bartz (Trueblade of Legend) [FFVI] - Terra (Fire Beam), Relm (Portrait of Lakshmi), Setzer (Red Card) [FFVII] - Yuffie (Gauntlet), Cait Sith (Moogle Dance), Red XIII (Stardust Ray) [FFVIII] - Irvine (Dark Shot), Selphie (Dreamstage), Laguna (Freezing Barrage) [FFIX] - Kuja (Darkflare), Garnet (Divine Guardian), Freya (Six Dragons) [FFX] - Auron (Banishing Blade) [FFXII] - Balthier (Strahl Strafe) [FFXIII] - Snow (Diamond Dust), Sazh (Godsend), Vanille (Miracle Prayer) [FFXIV] - Y'shtola (Aetherial Pulse), Thancred (Jin-Chi-Ten), Yda (True Demolition) [FFT] - Delita (Northswain's Strike) Total SSB - 27 SB[FFRK] - Tyro (Sentinel's Grimoire) [FFI] - Sarah (Ballad of Cornelia) [FFIII] - Ingus (Earth Ward) [FFV] - Bartz (Choco Romp), Exeath (Dark Earth Shaker), Faris (Kindred Spirit), Gilgamesh (Repentance), Krille (Wind Drake's Roar) [FFVI] - Locke (Mirage Dive) [FFVII] - Cloud (Climhazzard), Barret (Satellite Beam), Cait Sith (Toy Soldier) [FFVIII] - Irvine (Fast Ammo) [FFIX] - Quina (Angel's Snack, Mighty Guard), Steiner (Sword Art Stock Break) [FFXII] - Gabranth (Enrage) [FFXIII] - Fang (High Dive) [FFXIV] - Y'shtola (Medica II) Total SB - 19 Asking price - uhm, I dunno. Maybe $75. If you are interested with it, you can also write you price to PM. Contact me to PM or whatsapp/skype. Better to discord - Segna#3537. You can also find me on reddit (Sengaless). Only PayPal.