Hello, This account is for sale. I kept it under 65 so it's safe against xeno attacks (players won't drain you of of res). Plenty of crafting materials, some upgrades done (pics are 3 weeks old). 1600 coins left. Upgraded ISC, DC and Xeno stuff. Second Paladin in the oven. I want 100 usd for this. If you need any more info or screenshots ask away. It goes with full kixeye/mobile and steam credentials. It was never tied to Facebook or Google so it's very secure, once you have all passwords it's 100% yours. Ask either here or via email reticulan (at) gmail.com Thanks. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463021/fdwmjrheoauehf14vzav.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463031/gmobb9uwojzibqqepqwz.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463034/df2sm7y2vg88umynsfaf.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463037/a1c3zcd9gzf9sy4dzrzr.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463039/cryek6vbqr7fx3tzs1gr.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463041/ag4r5db7ly81gv5sankf.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463044/z3nr2jka2k3lob8jjxyi.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1506463047/ljttatrt7bjofht9vnnf.jpg