Sold Selling Vega base level 44

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warkid, 10/17/16.

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  1. Warkid

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    coin module 9
    850 coins on it left


    dreads, rags, heretics, freya, condor, gharial, komodo
    sico, arrestor, echo, impulse, #, interceptors, bombers...etc. No point in writing it all down, I have screenshots.


    freyja, 2x rag, 3x midgard, komodo, gharials mk2-3, 15 venoms mk3, 4 dreads mk2-3, 7 heretics, 6 revs mk2-3 and more.

    it requires some attention but the price is low I ask 110usd only, paypal.

    Once you paypal me I'll give you kixeye and steam full access. Ask me for pics.

    email: [email protected]
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