Selling Selling [Varena] diev3>miko>pd2 lv276 with fletcher lv203 $40 paypal only

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by darkcraft11, 2/21/17.

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  1. darkcraft11

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    cleric2>diev3>miko>pd2 lv 276
    elkosh set
    agny necklace
    wizard bracelet 2x
    ledas shield
    superior korona rod +6
    arde dagger
    gilt helmet 2.2k hp/ ice attk 87
    black rabbit 72 physical def
    maple leaf 113 mattk
    x8 exp tome 5pcs
    instanced reset dungeon 13pcs
    1 30days token
    40 soul crystal
    42 megaphone
    3 premium awakening stone
    stat reset potion (event)

    archer2>ranger>scout>flecher2 lv 203
    mint cupcake pattl 114 evasion 18 sp recovery 35
    goat horn pattk 71
    maple leaf 1.4k hp crit attk 177
    khasti bow

    I'm the original owner.
    paypal only message me at skype [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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