Selling Selling USSR tier VI, 12 premiums, 140 euros (IS-6 and t-64A included)

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by preferred outcomes, 9/28/17.

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  1. preferred outcomes

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    As the title says, the premiums are:King Cobra, T28, PzBfw4, PzBfw6 p, t44-122, kv-122, Brummbar, IS-6 (that op thing), AC iv thunderbolt, Chi nu 2, BV 238, P-63A-5 (the russian premium one), Hellcat mk 2. Ground forces are tier 4 for all nations, with Russia being the best one at tier 6 with the t-64A unlocked.Email me at [email protected] if you are interested, i will send screenshots to anyone who wants.
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