Selling Selling Uspc/usps dcuo cash

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KurokiHonoo, 2/18/17.

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  1. KurokiHonoo

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    Selling USPS/USPC Cash At The Following Rates Per Mil Based On The Transaction Amount:

    1-9mil: $1.00
    10-19mil: $0.90
    20-29mil: $0.80
    30-49mil: $0.75
    50+mil: $0.70

    Aka, the more money you're buying from me, the better of a rate you'll get.

    Currently I have 230mil to sell, PayPal only. This thread will be updated after sales on Wednesdays and weekends for the updated amount that I currently have to sell since I will be farming on a daily basis. Under the current economy, you can expect a 20-35mil increase in the amount I have to sell on a daily basis after an update to this thread.


    - If you want to purchase a larger amount than what I currently have, I will be creating a list of prioritized buyers for up to 100mil offers. Aka, if I currently have 50mil, I can put your name down and say that I won't sell to anyone else until I get 100 and sell to you and for any value underneath that such as I have 35 and you want to buy 70 etc. I will only have 2 people on said list if I create it, so that I don't end up with 5+ people waiting 2+ weeks to buy my cash because everyone wants a significant amount. I will only allow 200mil total between both pri. buyers to be "pre-booked" so to speak.

    - If you are a prioritized buyer of above 75mil*, after our transaction, if there is a waiting list so to speak from other people who have contacted me, as of right now, I will not be allowing you to become prioritized again until one of the following occurs (1) I have no prioritized buyers at the current moment (2) I have done business with 2 other prioritized buyers after our transaction. Trying to build a network of buyers and that's not going to happen if I only have 2-3 people constantly booking my cash back to back. After I have a satisfactory amount of people that buy cash on a monthly basis, I will be open to removing this restriction, upon which I will update this thread if my money is booked in a cycled fashion and is no longer open for public trade.

    - If you are a premium user with every dlc purchased that you use, and you don't want to waste $15 going legendary just to buy a few in game items, I am open for purchasing items from the broker. Current prices will be screenshotted from the broker from price ascending and sent to you for you to verify the transaction amount if you are currently offline. If you so choose to use this transaction method, ALL PAYMENTS WILL BE DONE FIRST, NO EXCEPTIONS. I will not be buying a rubber chicken *cough* Improving *cough* ;) or some other fake item from the broker for several million just have the transaction cancelled afterward and be stuck trying to resell said item.

    - I only place a cap on how much a person can pre-book my cash but not how much they can buy in general. So if I have over 100mil currently, you can buy the full amount, whatever it is at the rate of $0.70/mil, you just can't pre-book over a 100mil amount.

    - In terms of my transaction history, since I don't have a significant rep on this site yet, I just started using playerup again with my previous post being successfully selling my last main pc account. I used this site over 4 years ago back when I played League of Legends but I don't have that saved log-in anymore since I've had 3 new laptops since then >.> However, I have sold PC & PS account buyers that can be requested for contact, obviously my name can you be Youtube'd and some of the videos from people I associate with in game can be seen ranging from 1-2k subs (outside of YT and PvP beef). I'm more than happy to contact them and hop on mic in game with you and them to verify who I am. I used to have 350 myself before I deleted my channel to avoid stress and time consumption between pvp and test server. I can also show *with bleeped out last names obviously* my recent transaction history from Paypal since Nov. of having repeated transactions with several of the same people. Whether it's Middleman, history, contacts, or $1 transactions at a time, I do not care. If you need any verification to who I am and if I'm trustworthy if you do not recognize the name Kuroki Honoo or BestControllerNA, just request it, and we'll talk out some way to make you more comfortable with doing business, outside of me going first for 10+mil unless I have significant feedback on your end in terms of your site or in game reputation (mutual friends or leagues or yt'er status, whatever it may be).

    Any questions regarding business should be sent to the following -

    Contact Info:
    skype - ncblue94 (sign in once or twice a day)
    kik - UnboundAvex (keep with me 24/7, fastest way of contacting me)

    All business can be done via in game trade or mail, at your request. If mail is chosen, I will be recording sending said mail to your specified toon name for deal verification. Said video will be uploaded unlisted TEMPORARILY and sent to you shortly after payment for your convenience and verification.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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