Sold Selling USPC 347 sp(acc 5 years)

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LuFer4, 11/7/17.

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  1. LuFer4

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    USPC acc
    Hero male
    Power - Сelestial
    CR - 210 heal/208 dps (op ring, neck, back, waist) PVP CR 101
    SP -347
    Material: all material from TC + cosmic
    Movement: super speed(got all feats with movements)
    Auras: corrupted, og radiant, dark flame and all aurs from TC exept sandstorm, riddler aura and ultimate
    Legs SM: platinum fos, apok legs
    Back SM: platinum oan, tp, fos back
    Armory - 3

    Hero MALE
    Power - rage
    CR - DPS 198 pvp 99
    SP - 233
    Movement - super speed

    Marketplace Style Weapon: tectonic weapon style
    Style Items: sequined urban style and buckaroo style, batman cowl, flash cowl
    Auras: aura pack 2 and amazon hairstyle pack
    Lair penthouse, teleport
    Inventory Slots - 77

    PRICE: 500$(only paypal)

    You can contact me on skype: kartmazov2
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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