Sold Selling USPC 173CR, 182SP, 99PVP

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MikeShinoda, 11/26/17.

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  1. MikeShinoda

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    Selling low-end US PC account, that has 182SP, 173CR.
    Also a bunch of auras, such as Green Lantern and red lantern auras, a bunch of smokes/nimbus/plasmics too.
    It has 2 armories and a lantern-themed base style. It has some styles from SM, full Batman set from the first timecapsules.
    It has 6 Mills of cash.
    Could be a good start for a returning player
    I'm asking for 135USD for it, price can be # tho. Paypal payment.
    You can contact me via Email: [email protected] or via PM in here.
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