Hello! I am selling my league for a pretty low price (normal price for league with decent name, LH, prestige and other features is about 120mils). You can look at the screenshot at the bottom to check league's name, number of players and prestige. What is included: 1. League Hall. 2. Maximum amount of prestige so you will be able to buy all of leaguehall passive stats and still will have huge amount of prestige left. 3. Pretty high online and big number of players. 4. All statueres, extra bank, expanded amount of bank slots. 5. Huge amount of base items donated that you can use to decorate LH in whatever way you want. What is the price and how do we do the transaction? The price is 80 millions. I also can accept a trade offer for an item with appropriate price. Or if you have for example, 40millions and have couple of items that cost 20mil each is also ok. If you are interested in buying I will invite you to the league so you will check everything before we do the trasaction, then you trade me with money/items and after this I pass you leadership. You can contact me in pm and in this thread or you can also contact me in the game. My main's nickname is Nikky Morningstar